ACIS is grateful for the partnership and support of our association sponsors.

Corporate sponsorship enables ACIS to continue to deliver the highest quality professional development for our member schools, as well as parent programming, and keeping registration fees reasonable. Sponsorship constitutes neither an ACIS endorsement nor approval of the services and products our sponsors provide. Businesses that provide services to independent schools may join ACIS as an Association Sponsor.

Read this ACIS Corporate Sponsor Agreement!

In exchange for the benefits to be provided by the Association of Colorado Independent Schools (ACIS) to the undersigned ACIS Corporate Sponsor, the undersigned Corporate Sponsor hereby agrees to the following:

  1. Submitting this agreement indicates your commitment as a sponsor in accordance with the corresponding fees.
  2. Sponsor agrees to comply with all related deadlines provided by the association. This sponsorship agreement expires June 30 unless renewed for the following year.
  3. The association and sponsor agree that the activities contemplated by this agreement have a specific and limited scope and that nothing in this agreement construes/implies the association's approval, endorsement, or referral of any sponsor product or service.
  4. The sponsor will not suggest or imply that in any written or oral communication, that ACIS has endorsed any of its products or services, or use the ACIS name or logo in any form.
  5. When communicating with ACIS member schools, the Sponsor will speak accurately and comprehensively about the strengths of its own products and services and not allege weaknesses in other competitor products.
  6. The association will provide appropriate acknowledgement and recognition of the sponsor as specified in the benefits listing.
  7. Sponsor acknowledges and agrees that the association can deny sponsor's application at any time for any reason at its sole discretion.
  8. Sponsor acknowledges and agrees that the association can terminate this agreement at any time for any reason at its sole discretion.
  9. If the Sponsors agreement is dropped, for any reason, the association will only refund prorated fees for the remainder of the contract year at the time of termination.
  10. By executing this agreement, sponsor hereby grants to the association the limited right to use the sponsor's name and logo(s).
  11. The only permissible uses of any association or sponsor proprietary property, such as names, trademarks, service marks, logos, or copyrights are as stated in this agreement and any further use requires the prior written approval of the owner of such property.

Sponsorship Sign Up Form

Note: Fields marked with an * are required.

Please check the box to confirm that you have read and agree to the term of the ACIS Corporate Sponsor agreement: *
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